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Where to Shop

Check out or gluten free, dairy free, organic and 'special foods' links to help you buy what you need ONLINE and get going!


Starting a new 'diet' can be daunting. First off, your cupboards will be full of products that aren't on the menu! 

The easiest way to address this is to start again - although this may take some time to organise.
For advice on 'How To' 


The following links are designed to help you navigate sourcing the products you need for our meal plans.

Gluten Free

Most supermarkets now stock a good range of gluten free foods from trusted brands such as Nairns, Freefrom and Warburtons.
You can now get gluten-free oatmeal, soy sauce, bread & products made with gluten free breadcrumbs such as sausages & meatballs.

The good news is these foods taste good so you don't have to eat something that tastes 'different' to what you're used to.

'Special' Foods
Dairy Free

'Dairy Free' products need to be approached with caution. You will need to check ingredient lists for milk solids. These are often
present in butter substitutes and those with chronic intolerances may still react. Those intolerant to dairy may also react to soy.
WH360 suggests using 'nut milks' such as almond milke or rice milk as substitutes.
Kefir can be used to break down milk proteins making them digestible.

Iodine is a trace mineral vital to the thyroid health that combines with tyrosine - an amino acid - to create T3 and T4. Sea kelp is the richest natural source of iodine and is thought to help to regulate metabolism(2)

(1) Hertzler S, Ohio State Research News,

(2) Iodine Nutrition - More is Better, New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 354: pages 2819-2821; June 29, 2006.


Coconut yoghurt - an excellent alternative for dairy free diets.  At this stage there are only a few stockists in the UK. Click on the button to find your nearest supplier.

Coconut butter - an excellent alternative for dairy free diets. Purchase direct from us in the                              . 

Kefir is a fermented milk product that can be made at home using kefir grains as a 'starter culture'. Found to be well tolerated if you're lactose intolerant(1). 

UK-wide delivery. Overnight delivery. 
Organic meat & grass-fed raw milk supplier.

UK country-wide delivery. Full service. Fruit & veg

to meat & cleaning products. Sustainable packaging.

UK-wide delivery. Fruit, veg and meat boxes plus deli products. Sustainable packaging.

For more examples, click below

Good to know...

We've tried all the organic suppliers listed and found many several advantages. Firstly our food weekly SPEND has gone DOWN.  
Secondly the quality and taste of the food is just better than supermarket bought. Finally because we work it's extra convenient having our deliveries direct to home. All the suppliers we've used can leave deliveries as necessary if you're not in. All in all - it's just easier.

North of England Delivery. New website under

re-construction. Still working & delivering.

Approach with Caution

You need to check ingredient lists for milk solids. These can be present in butter substitutes so those with chronic intolerances may still react. Those intolerant to dairy may also react to soy. WH360 suggests using other milks such as almond or oat milk as substitutes.
We highly recommend kefir (see below) for the lactose intolerant.

thyroid, Hashimoto's, Graves', autoimmune
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