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​Nourish Your Body Under Stress


The adrenal glands work synergistically with the thyroid gland. Healthy adrenals produce cortisol at the optimal level for inactive thyroid hormone, T4, to be converted to active T3. If you are living with acute or long term stress or too much or too little cortisol is being produced due to disease conversion of T4 to T3 can be compromised and lead to hypothyroid-like symptoms. In addition, your digerstive health is likely to become affected over time. Compromised digestive health may act as a trigger for autoimmune conditions in susceptible people

(those with a genetic predisposition). 

Healthy soup to support you under stress

WH360 meal plans & shopping lists to support 
endocrine health & provide excellent nutrition 

Quality supplements to help support adrenal
function under stress


Discover foods that may support your body
under stress & try our sample one day menu

Find out about the links between stress and 
digestive disorders


thyroid, Hashimoto's, Graves', autoimmune
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